Cambridge, UK: Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, today announced its new look red G:BOX F3 gel documentation system is now available. Featuring a slimline darkroom which can be fitted with UV, blue and white lighting options this affordable, automated system generates high quality images of DNA and protein gels quickly and easily.

The new G:BOX F3 can be flexibly configured to image gels stained with any commercial fluorescence or visible dyes. With a stylish darkroom, the G:BOX F3 can accommodate a UV transilluminator and UV to blue light converter screen, UV to visible light converter screen or blue light transilluminator options, allowing scientists to safely image dyes including Coomassie Blue, GelGreen™, SYBR® Safe, SYBR® Gold, on both large (up to 32cm x 24cm) and small gels.

Complete with a high-resolution 5-million-pixel camera, motor driven zoom lens and filter wheel all controlled by application-driven GeneSys software, the G:BOX F3 system can be connected to the laboratory’s choice of PC. The intuitive GeneSys software selects the best combination of filters and lighting available for rapid image capture, making it easy for both students and experienced scientists alike to detect close bands and nanogram quantities on DNA and protein gels.

To analyse their gels, researchers can use the QuickQuant feature in GeneSys or can transfer their data to GeneTools image analysis software. Using QuickQuant scientists can rapidly quantify images of protein and DNA bands at the point of capture on their system. Researchers can utilise GeneTools software on any computer for more detailed evaluations, as well as storing or printing high resolution and publication quality images.

The G:BOX F3 system comes complete with unlimited copies of GeneTools and Syngene’s exclusive three-year service and support warranty, as well as free software upgrades, ensuring there will always be access to up to the minute imaging applications without any additional, unexpected costs.

To find out more about the G:BOX F3 system, please click this link:

“In large labs, researchers can have years or very limited imaging experience and often want to work with a range of different DNA and protein dyes,” says Dr Martin Biggs, Sales Manager at Syngene “Our new G:BOX F3, versatile, automated gel doc with its multiple lighting options and straightforward imaging is perfect for any of these busy scientists.”

The post Syngene launches stylish new G:BOX F3 automated gel doc appeared first on Syngene.

About the Author

I'm Kirsty, and Marketing Specialist at Synoptics covering the Syngene, Synbiosis, Gallenkamp and Fistreem brands. I have been working at Synoptics since the start of 2023 and come from a B2B agency and in-house. I also have experience working at Anglian Waters Central Laboratory in this industry.


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